Sunday, January 24, 2016

Greener grass

The grass always looks greener on the other side....isnt it good or bad thing..
I always wonder this such idioms really mean...isnt it a good...when its greener we are willing to go there and feel the greener kan...or..we just stand still right where u belong/are and always have the feelings that u are really really envy of looking the greener grass on the other side....
Like it or our life we always have big opportunity which need us to decide which we would like it to be. Allah pun dah janji akan beri kita ujian yang hanya kita sahaja mampu menempuhinya.HE knows.
Dalam setiap ujian...there always time when a decision is needed. When the decision is final, just have to be very very patient because there might be many challenges would come on your way after that. Be strong.

Itu dia...harini kak nan jadi cikgu motivasi kepada semua ya. Tula sapa yg tak tau ..kak nan ni semua boleh...ngehngeh...
Ok skang ni kak nan kelaparan sebab dok berangan psl the greener grass sahaja.
Okla...chow dulu..
Nak pi buat tea strawberi while berangan minum dekat greener grass...and tpt tu maybe panas...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:21 AM

    fainnamaal usri yusro, innamal usri yusro
