Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all...

Semoga raya tahun nil lebih bermakna daripada tahun sebelumnnya...for me...of cosla bermakna sebab tahun ni beraya kat Kedah...yahuuu....sedikit ucapan utk kawan2...

1. Ida - Selamat mengumpul duit raya untuk baby luqman...jgn ko pakai plaks...time sesak okla

2. CtKusut - Selamat menjaga anak2 dan selamat mengumpul stok susu2...

3. Malin - Selamat beraya kat Johor...aku paham perasaan kalau beraya kat Johor...huhu

4. Nik D - Selamat bertolerate dgn 'wife' baru asben ko...syok na raya klate...sedap skit jln jauh ngan 'madu' hang

5.Roshda - Selamat berpantang dan menguruskan badan

6. Puan Sal - Selamat berpantang ...dugaan le kat ko kan...thn ni tengok jela...thn depan ngadap makanan puas2

7. Marina - Selamat menghadiri kenduri bulan syawal

8. Along Penang - Selamat beraya kat penang n kelantan...esimen jgn dilupakan..hoho..

9. Iu aka Wid - Selamat beraya kat Malaysia....seronok la hang eh

10. Ayeen - Balik Aloq Staq jgn lupa mai rumah aku no..

Apapun kawan...Maaf zahir batin ..0-0... Sekiranya ada tersalah cakap ker tersalah tulis ke..terkecilkan hati u olls ke or anything...Mohon maaf zahir dan batin ye kawan2...And segala salah silap u ollss semua saya maafkan bersempena bulan baik ni...mari ler rumah far rumah sentiasa terbuka untuk kawan2..bgtau dulu kalau nak mai...bleh la masak spesel skit...kalau mai terjah terimaje lah apa yang ada including rumah bersepah hasil tgn irfan....hehhe.

Jangan lupa berhati-hati di jalanraya dan elakkan pembaziran di musim perayaan..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Irfan and Parenting tips

Irfan Irfan...this boy now is three years old...kalau baca perkembangan boys around his age...they tend to get very tantrumm....bcoz...he cannot control he's emotional yet...really get on my nerve sumtimes..then ill become a monster after get sumting strange doin on his head...

Bila saat tantrum tu dtg...lebih kurang mcm emosi period la tp main langgar je apa yg ada...penah satu time dia menangis time tu mak tgh soping...apalagi..satu soping komplek tula huru hara...dr tkgt 4 sampai tkgt 1 semua org tengok la...anak sapa dok teriak..pastu mak dia dukung turun dr 1 tingkat ke 1 tingkat wat dekk dek jela...kalau layan makin emo bdk ni...kalau time kacao ni mmg saat paling tension...adik tu selalu jd mangsa slam dunk la...cubit telinga la...kena tumbuk la...tu cara main dia dgn adik...mmg boys will be boys
teringat lg BSB..:P..tunggu la adik besar skit abg..

Tapi irfan ni rajin tolong umi....lepas dia wat sepah main2 arahan suruh kemas...nanti dia kemas balik brg menan ...ataupun our happy moment...time memasak...sgtla mummy's helpernya..kdg2 tlg cuci pinggan sampai basah baju...tolong pakaikan adik bedak sampai setengah botol...tlg wat kuih sampai dr kaler putih sampai kaler coklat...masaknya bab makan...mmg kena paksa la...kdg2 tu sampai 2/3 jenis pinggan depan mata...last2 mkn kicap
irfan pgl sos jer..

So KPI irfan utk tahun ni adalah supaya mengenal huruf dan bleh blaja sembahyang...aku nak try ajar sampai dia kenal n sampai boleh tulis...skang ni kalau suruh nyanyi lagu ABC ke 123 ke alif ba ta ke....hat tu mmg dah pas dah...cuma huruf ja tak kenal...kalau nyanyi bleh siap wat sesi karaoke..aku byk donlod lagu busy beaver kat utube...yg ni senang skit nak blajar...lagu kegemaraan Irfan-The Alphabet Song..mcm2 la lagi lagu ada...

Part solat ni..skang dia baru separuh pass perbuatan ja, sebutan niat belum pandai amik wuduk...tupun everytime mesti basah baju bagai...pastu pegi semayang siap nak baju melayu kalau part umi yg solat...time ni mmg dia merdeka sebab bleh duduk atas adik..or do anything to adik la without hear me ada time kalau ssuruh solat mmg liat n takmo lgsg...solat ikot mood bukan ikot waktu...

Apapun there's still long way to go...article pasal kak tina
seepupu aku ni tulis mmg really helps a lot... ni aku amik skit from her article for our our guide to parenting...

As parents and sort-of facilitators, we should let our children “learn to earn” or “learn and earn” through most parts of their lives. Here I have put some of my thoughts in a more organized manner, mostly as a reminder to myself. Others out there, I appreciate any feedback or sharing of any anecdotes with regard to your own parenting experiences. InshaAllah this is one small step in my efforts to make my dream of becoming a proper writer into an achievable ambition.

1. Learn to understand that God is the Greatest power with powers we will never fully understand

2. Learn to seek knowledge and earn the right to use it wisely

3. Learn to respect others and earn respect
4. Learn to trust and be trusted
5. Learn to become responsibly independent in order to earn freedom

6. Learn self-discipline in order to be exemplary

7. Learn how to share in order to possess

8. Learn to save in order to spend

9. Learn how to give before taking

10. Learn the meaning of patience without losing it

11. Learn to accept some dependency before trying to become self-sufficient

12. Learn to fall and fail in order to embrace success
13. Learn to manage routine efficiently before enjoying leisure time

14. Learn to punish ourselves before judging others

15. Learning to forgive before forgetting to ask for it

16. Learn to self-evaluate before beginning to compare ourselves to others

17. Learn to appreciate what we’re blessed with before earning the right to ask for more
18. Learn to strive in order to achieve

19. Learn from the wise to claim maturity

20. Learn to strengthen relationships with elders before forging new ones
21. Learn to cherish the old ways before embracing the new
22. Learn that technology is a tool, not a companion

23. Learn that self-sacrifice is not about being a hero, it’s about bringing out the hero in us

24. Learn to deal with having fun the right way and going through grief gracefully

25. Learn that material possessions doesn’t maketh us, we make use of it
26. Learn to look beyond looks; superficiality does not last

27. Learn that humility does not make us a lesser person
28. Learn that the simplest things in life may make us the happiest

29. Learn to make a dream become an ambition and work towards an accomplishment
30. Learn that the world doesn’t revolve around us, we are a tiny part of it

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Tak penah2 aku jwb tag ni br nak test...baton ni diterima drp puan di...tu pun ko dah lupa nama aku no...aku kan agen tapaware ko,...buat2 lupo lak

1.He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?

Discovery , Animax, sumtime Industan(kdg2 dia layan Zee channel...konfius mak)

2. You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
anything...but not tempoyak..

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
Anything with tempoyak

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?

Air suam...Tongkat ali dan kwsn sewaktu dgnnya

5. Where did he go to high school?

mmm...Tah...Sekolah Dato nn sumting

6. What size shoe does he wear?

10..kalau kasut keja 11...11 le...thn ni hadiah besday hadiah kasut yer

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
cincin batu2 and RC aeroplane(penuh dah store room ni)

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?

he dont like sandwich

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?

Nasi n tempe(aku sokmo xske msk ni..)

10. What is his favorite cereal?

kokokrunch...share with irfan

11. What would he never wear?

baju batik

12. What is his favorite sports team?

he dont watch sport...

13. Who did he vote for?

parti kerajaan of cos not...entah...dunno :-P

14. Who is his best friend?!!

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?

masakan jawa...selalu fail msk..sebab akan terjd mskan melayu akhirnya

16. What is his heritage?

Jawa totot...heheh...minang skit kot...melayu jugak....entah...bukan johor suma jawa ker

17. What is his favourite colour?
n grey...he should wear red more often

18. What is his habit?

main RC aeroplane....buat koding

19. What is he proud of?

his account..his brain

20. Who he loves the most?

sapalagi..kalau bukan anak pinaknya serta isteri terchenta...hamik kau...

So baton ni di pass ke Puan CtKusut, Puan Malin, Puan Ida,Puan Ayeen....selamat...

Gambar bukan sekadar hiasan..

Friday, September 04, 2009

Belated Besday yang ke 28....masih angka 2 di depan

This year punya celebration takle semeriah tahun2 lepas...bukan apa...1. sebab bulan posa 2.Sambut kat batu pahat...:P ...3.mmm..tatau just normal celebration..

Anak sedara aku dah buka mulut sebelum diorg wat surprise really surprise le..biasala budak2..mana bleh simpan rahsia..ader ke dia ckp pe...time tu aku kat dapor..padahal kek sebesar alam aku xnampak kat dapor time aku lalu lalang kat situ...alih2 dia ckp..."Auntie nan, auntie nan...deena suka kek coklat besday auntie nan..."..tak ke pecah deena ni br 6 tahun...tapi time diorg menanyai2 tu aku wat2 belakon mcm surprise la..

so far..okla...dpt choclate indulgence sebijik...kira ok la tu.....tq to my asben tuan mamat dia atas segala preparation...thank you 4 loving me so mucch....ewah...

So apa yang dah capai tahun ni berdasarkan azam thn lepas..

1. nak brenti keja sebab asben bg duit soh dok rumah BERJAYA
2. wat bisnes kecil kecilan..BERJAYA
3.nak kuruskan badan ke angka 5 di depan BERJAYA, yg ni kena hati2...sebab rajin naik rajin turun...nak naik cepat..nak turun bertahun
4.nak rajin blk aloq staq tgk mak ayah...BERJAYA ..sebab bisnes kecil kecilan kat sana

Yang belom capai..
1. nak pegi haji before 30...tgh kompol duit...skit lg..

alamak rayyan nangis plak...nanti sbg