Friday, February 06, 2009

what a friday...

harini supposely aku cuti...compasionate leave la katakan, sebab my husband granny passed away yesterday...pastu sampai kol 2pagi semlm br dok kat shah alam...dah tentula harini subuh dinosor ...pastu kononnya mcm tergedik la nak mai jugak opis sebab kononnya minggu depan aku ada byk dateline pastu senin ni cuti thaipusam plak...tapi suma tu hanyalah angan2 pagi td...sekarang lain business...keja yg aku canang nak buat tu tak terjalan2 lg....hoho....ok..jomla membebel

last2 bila sampai opis ja..tengok2 keja skit..lepas lunch ja trus main facebook la ...bc blog la....dan mcm2 lg aktiviti tak my bos is not it's mingling time...konon la ada perasaan mcm nak balik jugak's my day off today....huhu

bila nak stat keja put all the blame to the technology....
kalau la zaman2 dulu...when internet is not around...what do they do...
probbably my post now in the office will be not created i were a computer...bored...if i were a technician...bored...they said women should be a teacher..mmm...not good in 'talking' business..
maybe a housewife...if there's no internet...i would have not married yet...since i met my husband through the i'll be hoping school days isn't over..

ok..lets get back to work...:P...or balik....huhuuhh


  1. wa3...hannan...ko dh pndai membebel ek. dlu tulis entry pon pendek2 je. siap tanye lg cmane aku n ct bole tulis pjg2(ct la menang kn :P ). nie dh nmpk2 dh nie. sat g ade la yg dok bebel ari2 :p

    elok a tu. bole aku lawat blog ko slalu. check update :D

  2. ada peningkatan le nampaknya...hoho...
